Say It In Red
Say It In Red
Say it in Red | Episode 50: Loopers
Good Morning Dear Readers, it's the wonderful day of February 29th, a day that only comes around once every four years! On this rare occasion we wanted to bring you an equally rare creation: Loopers, a kinetic novel developed by Key and written by Ryukisho07 of 07th Expansion! It's all about the wonderful day of August 1st, a day that only comes around once every four years! On this rare occasion we wanted to bring you an equally rare creation: Loopers, a kinetic novel developed by Key and written by Ryukisho07 of 07th Expansion! It's all about the wonderful day of August 1st, a day that only comes around once every 24 hours! On this rare occasion we wanted to bring you an equally rare creation:
This week, Sara and Runa enjoy the emotional ferris wheel ride of Loopers (2021), a Kinetic Novel devleoped by Key and written by Ryukishi07. The game centers around a group of teens and young adults who each fall into a phenomena known as The Spiral - a seemingly endless time loop fixed on the day of August 1st (year indeterminate). As a game that came out during the early stages of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it's no surprise that the characters' struggle to preserve their mental health and sense of reality might resonate with readers feeling as though they've lived the same day repeatedly during lockdowns. The Loopers group is led by Simon, a young man who is functionally now closer to middle-aged as he's repeated the day of August 1st for over 15 years, and his second-in-command Mia, a quiet and mysterious girl as well as the heroine of the story. They're joined by Kuro, Kai, Ritapon, Holly, and Leona before long. By the time our protagonist, Tyler, joins the spiral, however... Kuro and Kai have been killed repeatedly to force them into prolonged comas to prevent further self-harm, Leona placed herself in a coma to prevent her own psychotic break with reality, and the rest of the Loopers are in dire straits themselves. Tyler realizes that, since the greatest challenge of The Spiral is keeping yourself sane and grounded when all progress and growth is impossible, he needs to take drastic action. His solution, without hesitation, is geocache treasure hunting.
As always, if you enjoy our show please consider rating us and leaving a review wherever you listen to podcasts! Our patreon (at patreon.com/sayitinred) also hosts a growing number of bonus episodes, released around the second week of each month. Our most recent episodes include a reflection on the a full overview of Touhou and its many girls, an exploration of Fantasy Romance webcomics and manwha tropes, and soon even a lengthy expedition into the House of Leaves.
Content Warnings for this episode:
Non-explicit references to self harm throughout this episode - we won't describe it, but please be aware that it comes up occasionally as a topic in the game.