Say It In Red
Say It In Red
Say it in Red | Episode 44: Fatal twelve (Part 2 of 2)
Our memories are often strongly tied to a sense of Place, the confluence of sights and sounds and scents and pathways that take us to the heartwrenching, the familiar, or the uncanny. The setting of our youth, particularly our high school days, can often evoke profound nostalgia and pathos - The halls of our old school during the culture festival, the café where we worked back then, the abandoned warehouse by the harbor, the amazing view from Tokyo Tower, the heart-pounding moment of our first confession near Tokyo Tower, the terrorist attack we thwarted at Tokyo Tower... Can we not all relate to these universal constants?
This month, as with last month, Runa and Sara are joined by returning podcast guests KT Kelly and Mari to discuss Fatal Twelve (2018), a yuri death game and visual novel focusing on twelve people who have already died. In these final weeks of Fatal Twelve we see the cast dwindle until only Miharu and Rinka remain at the very end... along with some surprising new introductions. Through the Divine Selection process they reverse the death of a friend, confront their own uncertainties, and reach more than a few different potential endings. At the end of these twelve weeks, Rinka discovers the true nature of Divine Selection and, in some cases, that is the very last thing she ever learns.
This episode covers the remainder of Fatal Twelve, starting with Week 6 and continuing through all of the game's endings. Please keep in mind that this is the second of our Fatal Twelve episodes, so make sure you listen to our previous episode in order to keep up with the full story. Also, as our hosts discovered through the process of playing this game, Fatal Twelve is a rare instance in which we will make a platform recommendation: the Nintendo Switch release, at least at the present time, has additional scenes, CGs, and content not present in the PC/Steam release including several key emotional scenes involving Miharu and Rinka among others.
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Content Warnings for this episode:
General Content discussion of Suicide & Self-Harm throughout
General discussion of Terrorism & Terrorist Bombings throughout