Say It In Red
The Podcast version of hanging out with ghosts in a haunted parlor, but like really chill and the ghosts are talking to you about Visual and Kinetic Novels! Join Runa and Sara as they read and discuss games like Higurashi, Umineko, Kindred Spirits on the Roof, Heart of the Woods, and a lot of other VNs. We break down the mystery elements of the stories we read, talk about the implications of ghosts and magic and the tech apocalypse, and swoon every time a handsome woman shows up on screen. For the most part this podcast is entirely safe to listen to around friends and family and co-workers *except* for the moments when we talk about dismemberment or murders since that comes up in some of these games - we'll give you a heads up whenever things like that are on an episode and when we're about to start talking about them in the show!You can follow us on twitter at sayitinredpod and check out our patreon at https://www.patreon.com/SayItInRed for even more content and features!
Podcasting since 2020 • 62 episodes
Say It In Red
Latest Episodes
Say it in Red Episode 62: Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works
Dear Listeners,Recently I witnessed a devastating battle in my dreams. On the floor of a figure collecting convention, an absurdly wealthy collector was completely annihilating everyone in a quiz competition about rare and obscure scale ...

Say it in Red Episode 61: Fate/Stay Night - Fate Route
Dear Listeners,It has been ten years since that calamity. Though you survived, the memory of flame-scorched rubble haunts your dreams each night. Closure slips away from you in the vagaries of time and, a decade on, you settle back into ...

Say it in Red Episode 60: Indie VN Compilation Track Volume 4
Video Games. For years, we have wondered: What are they? Where do they come from? And what do they want from us? Today, we have answers for you... answers that would delight even that strictest of industry philosophers: Sonic the Hedgehog. Thes...

Say it in Red | Unlocked Bonus Episode: An Umineko fan reads Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None"
Dear Listeners,Have you ever felt, particularly in late November when the rain picks up and keeps you housebound, that you are trapped in a strange house full of people you don't entirely know? In many ways, the distance between holiday...

Say it in Red | Episode 58: The Elevator Game with Catgirls
1-4-2-6-2-10-5-1Please remember this combination. When you enter the elevator (FIRST FLOOR! Don't enter from the ground level or garage!) press the play button on this podcast. You should do this alone, ideally late at night or in the early...